Employee Diversity

NextWealth / About / Social Impact

Social Impact

Quality of Life

Spend on nourishment & clothing of employees has doubled after their NextWealth job
Infographic on Quality of life - Spend on nourishment & clothing of employees has doubled after their NextWealth job

Quality of Life


  • 79% employees are economically better-off than their local classmates
  • % Spend on nourishment & clothing of employees has doubled after their NextWealth job
  • 42% Employees save more after NextWealth job; 55% in case of  women
  • Being closer home, 79% women feel very secure


72% Growth in self-confidence to face life’s good/bad situation in the future, after joining NextWealth & improves to 82% with tenure
Self-esteem image - NextWealth, data annotation services India



  • 76% Employees & their family take high pride in NextWealth Job
  • 72% Growth in self confidence to face life’s good / bad situation in future, after joining NextWealth & improves to 82% with tenure
  • Learning on Quality, Punctuality, Time management & Hard work have given employees confidence


On an average, employees’ shoulder 44% of family income
Family infographic-NextWealth



  • 85% are delighted to have family’s presence during health / financial / emotional challenges
  • On an average, employees shoulder 44% of family income 
  • 71% cherish the ability to connect to roots through family functions, village festivals & programmes 


Women employees’ propensity to early marriage improved by 2-3 years
marriage image-NextWealth Soical impact on community -Women employees’ propensity to early marriage improved by 2-3 years -



  • Women employees (of financially stressed families) empowered to choose a better partner
  • Women employees’ propensity to early marriage improved by  2-3 years
  • Women employees’ clarity on life’s goals improved : 71%
  • Propensity to migrate to a bigger city mitigated : 55%
  • About 10,000 direct and 30,000 indirect + induced livelihood generated 

NextWealth Employee Social Status

Dailywage worker
0 %
Micro Self Employment
0 %
0 %
0 %
Employed in Small Business
0 %
Govt. Employee/Retired
0 %
  • Small town parents invest in education of their children in a hope of better future. Many of the children are first time graduates in their families
  • But, in small towns, employment opportunities for graduates are sparse. They either migrate to big cities or settle for local jobs which do not do justice to their education
  • Those who migrate, may not enjoy a good quality of life in the cities. Also, away from roots, they may be prone for emotional ill-health
  • Situation is more challenging for women as migration is not encouraged. They end up getting married early. Further, this does not contribute to a positive self-esteem
  • NextWealth, through its unique local entrepreneur-led business model, has succeeded in bringing hi-tech employment to small towns
  • This employment improves the employee’s Quality of life and Self-esteem ; Empowers their respective Families and larger Community

Work From Small Towns


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